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A Neuronal Network Model for Simulating the Effects of Repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Local Field Potential Power Spectra

Figure 1

Example cluster of 7 neurons for the time evolution of our model (left panel: time t = 1 and right panel: t = t+1.

Spiking neurons are coloured red, non-spiking neurons are coloured blue. Synaptic connections between the neurons are either excitatory (black) or inhibitory (orange). The functions Ii(t) and Ei(t) describe the input and output of each neuron. The threshold Θi triggers the generation of a spike and is set to −60 mV. The constant c is denoting the change in postsynaptic potential triggered by the arrival of an action potential (AP) at the synaptic cleft. The model output ρ(t) consists of the sum of the output Ei(t) of all neurons.

Figure 1
