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NOTCH1 Signaling Promotes Human T-Cell Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Initiating Cell Regeneration in Supportive Niches

Figure 5

An expanded CD45+CD34+CD2+CD7+ population in NOTCH1Mutated T-ALL LIC is sensitive to hN1 mAb treatment.

(A) Total human CD45+ cells including CD34+CD45+ and CD34-CD45+ in secondary (2°) transplant recipients were summarized by graphing the results of CD45 FACS analysis. Human cord blood CD34+ progenitors were used as a normal progenitor control, where the engraftment of human CD45+ cells in bone marrow was 7.13% ±1.3 (n = 6). (B) FACS analysis of pediatric T-ALL engrafted bone marrows revealed an expanded human CD45+CD34+CD2+CD7+ population in secondary (2°) transplant recipients that was more prominent in NOTCH1Mutated T-ALL (Patient 05, n = 9; Patient 08, n = 8; Patient 11, n = 8; Patient 12, n = 3) and NOTCH1High T-ALL (Patient 02, n = 10) transplanted mice than NOTCH1WT T-ALL transplanted mice (Patient 09, n = 4; Patient 10, n = 3). Human cord blood CD34+ progenitors were used as a normal progenitor control (n = 6). The CD34+CD45+, CD34+CD45+CD2+CD7+, and CD34+CD45+CD2+CD7 populations were significantly higher in the bone marrows of both NOTCH1Mutated and NOTCH1High T-ALL LIC transplanted mice (**, P<0.01; ***, P<0.001, Student’s t test) when compared with NOTCH1WT T-ALL LIC transplanted mice. (C) FACS analysis of pediatric T-ALL LIC (Patient 05, n = 5 in control group, n = 6 in hN1 group; Patient 08, n = 5 in control group, n = 6 in hN1 group; Patient 11, n = 4 in control group, n = 5 in hN1 group) engrafted bone marrows showing a reduction in the human CD45+CD34+CD2+CD7+ cell population following hN1 mAb treatment compared to control IgG1 mAb (***, P<0.001, Student’s t test).

Figure 5
