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Diversity of Bifidobacteria within the Infant Gut Microbiota

Figure 5

Number of sequences per phylotype for each sample.

The y axis is a neighbour-joining phylogenetic tree containing one representative of each of the OTUs detected in this study; each row represents a different OTU. Increasing darkness of the grayscale corresponds to higher estimated relative abundance. The most conserved OTUs between samples are marked with an arrow. Arrow 1 represents the OTUs corresponding to B. longum, arrow 2 indicates the OTUs of B. pseudocatenulatum, arrow 3 highlights the phylotypes belonging to Streptococcus thermophilus. The boxed area includes those phylotypes belonging to Ruminococcaceae and Clostridiales taxa. The feeding method is indicated for each subject; Br, breast-fed; Bo, bottle fed.

Figure 5
