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Flexibility of a Eukaryotic Lipidome – Insights from Yeast Lipidomics

Figure 4

Lipidomics of yeast grown on different carbon sources.

Yeast cells were grown at 30°C in full medium (YP) supplemented with different carbon sources (glucose: YPglc; raffinose: YPraf; glycerol: YPgly) A) Lipid class composition in mol% of total lipids in the sample. LysoPS and ceramides as minor constituents are not shown. B) Total double bonds of glycerophospholipids (CL omitted for clarity), given as sum of double bounds in fatty acids, in mol% of category. C) Total length of glycerophospholipids, given as sum of fatty acids, in mol% of category. Lysospecies and cardiolipin lengths are omitted for clarity. D) Phosphatidic acid (PA) species profile in mol% of class. E) Sphingolipid species profile in mol% of category. All data were calculated from n = 3 independent samples ± SD. For the lipid nomenclature, sample names and experiment description see Materials and Methods.

Figure 4
