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HIV Quasispecies Dynamics during Pro-Active Treatment Switching: Impact on Multi-Drug Resistance and Resistance Archiving in Latent Reservoirs

Figure 4

Kaplan-Meier estimates for treatment success, and correlation between virological failure and archiving of drug resistance.

The plots summarize the results trough the whole simulated parameter space from Table 2 (12000 simulations in total). A: Probability of no virological failure (%) for the IM-strategy (blue line) and the conventional therapy (red line), respectively. Dashed lines are the 95% confidence ranges, calculated using Greenwood's formula. Virological failure was defined according to [24] and is summarized in section “Implementation of conventional vs. proposed induction-maintenance-strategy”. B: The probability to virological failure vs. the average number of drug resistance archiving in the latent reservoir. A strong positive correlation () between virological failure and drug resistance archiving exists, as indicated by spearman's non-parametric rank correlation coefficient .

Figure 4
