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The Impact of Anxiety-Inducing Distraction on Cognitive Performance: A Combined Brain Imaging and Personality Investigation

Figure 4

Co-variation between activity in the right fusiform gyrus (FG) and individual differences in WM performance.

Consistent with a bottom-up impact of emotional distraction on cognitive performance, the right FG showed increased overall activity (red blob) and negative correlation with the LOC3 WM performance (the white blob within the red blob). The negative correlation, illustrated in the right side scatterplot was specific for the emotional distracters (see Table 4). The middle panel illustrates the activation and correlation maps superimposed on high resolution brain images, displayed in coronal view. The line graph in the left side panel illustrates the time course of fMRI signal, as extracted from the whole ROI meeting the triple conjunction criteria, on a TR-by-TR basis.

Figure 4
