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Fishery-Independent Data Reveal Negative Effect of Human Population Density on Caribbean Predatory Fish Communities

Figure 2

NMS ordination of regions in predatory fish space (20 taxa).

Regional centroids are displayed: BA (Bahamas); TC (Turks and Caicos); CU (Cuba); CI (Cayman Islands); JA (Jamaica); MC (Mexican Caribbean); BZ (Belize); HD (Honduras); DR (Dominican Republic), PR (Puerto Rico); UV (US Virgin Islands); BV (British Virgin Islands); LI (Leeward Islands); WI (Windward Islands). The axis 1 scores for the two uninhabited islands are italicized: IM (Isla de Mona); NI (Navassa Island). Along axis 1, latitude increases towards the left and human population density increases towards the right. Taxa locations are represented with coded fish displays: a (Mycteroperca bonaci); b (Epinephelus striatus); c (M. tigris); d (M. venenosa); e (E. guttatus); f (E. adscensionis); g (Cephalopholis cruentata); h (C. fulva); I (Lutjanus cyanopterus); j (L. jocu); k (L. analis); l (L. griseus); m (Ocyurus chrysurus); n (L. apodus); o (L. synagris); p (L. mahogoni); q (Aulostomus maculatus); r (Caranx spp.); s (Carcharhinus spp.); t (Sphyraena barracuda). Fish displays are scaled according to maximum attainable sizes of each taxa.

Figure 2
