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Life and Death of an Influential Passenger: Wolbachia and the Evolution of CI-Modifiers by Their Hosts

Figure 4

Altered Wolbachia-prevalence after spread of repressive and enhancing mutations.

Shown in 4a is the reduced prevalence of Wolbachia after successful spread of a male-specific repressive mutation. Prevalence is shown as a function of the mutation's penetrance e for different values of lCI (as indicated in the graph) and with t = 0.95. Figure 4b shows the elevated prevalence of Wolbachia after fixation of a female-specific enhancing mutation as a function of the mutation's penetrance −d for different values of t (as indicated) with lCI = 0.5. All plots are based on the analytical results of eqs. 33&34 and eqs. 35&36 respectively, all in Appendix S1. In 4a, e was varied between e = 0 and e = ecrit. for each case. At higher values of e, the spread of the mutation reduces Wolbachia's prevalence to zero. In 4b, −d was varied between −d = 0 and , as larger values of −d all lead to teff. = 1. Other parameters were c = 0 and f = 0.

Figure 4
