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Glaucoma Alters the Circadian Timing System

Figure 2

Retinal ganglion cell projections to the ipsilateral and contralateral suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN), dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus (dLGN) and superior colliculus (SC) from a control and glaucomatous eye.

The unoperated control eye was injected with a red fluorescent CTb anterograde tracer (A) and the operated glaucomatous eye with a green fluorescent CTb tracer (B). The images in A and B are taken from the same sections but using different excitation filters. For each of the structures illustrated, the brain hemisphere ipsilateral to the injected eye is to the left and contralateral to the injection is to the right. Thus, the ipsilateral dLGN and SC (red: control) correspond to the same hemisphere as the contralateral dLGN and SC (green: operated). Note that projections to the SCN and SC (montage of 3 photomicrographs) are markedly reduced and that the topographical distribution of the projection in the dLGN is also considerably altered. Part of the material shown is modified from a previous review [69].

Figure 2
