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GATA Transcription Factor Required for Immunity to Bacterial and Fungal Pathogens

Figure 4

The daf-2(e1370) mutation rescues the increased susceptibility to pathogens phenotype of elt-2(RNAi) animals.

(A) Wild-type and daf2(e1370) nematodes grown on E. coli carrying a vector control or on E. coli expressing elt-2 double-stranded RNA were exposed to S. enterica SL1344.

Significant differences were found when wild-type was compared to daf-2(e1370) (P<0.0001), when elt-2(RNAi) was compared to daf-2(e1370);elt-2(RNAi) (P<0.0001), and when daf-2(e1370) was compared to daf-2(e1370);elt-2(RNAi) (P<0.0001).

(B) Wild-type and daf2(e1370) nematodes grown on E. coli carrying a vector control or on E. coli expressing elt-2 double-stranded RNA were exposed to E. faecalis OG1RF.

Significant differences were found when wild-type was compared to daf-2(e1370) (P = 0.0056), when elt-2(RNAi) was compared to daf-2(e1370);elt-2(RNAi) (P<0.0001), and when daf-2(e1370) was compared to daf-2(e1370);elt-2(RNAi) (P<0.0001).

(C) Wild-type and daf2(e1370) nematodes grown on E. coli carrying a vector control or on E. coli expressing elt-2 double-stranded RNA were exposed to C. neoformans H99 (P<0.0001).

Significant differences were found when wild-type was compared to daf-2(e1370) (P = 0.0174) and when elt-2(RNAi) was compared to daf-2(e1370);elt-2(RNAi) (P<0.0001).

No significant difference was found when daf-2(e1370) was compared to daf-2(e1370);elt-2(RNAi) (P = 0.1666).

(D) Wild-type and daf2(e1370) nematodes grown on E. coli carrying a vector control or on E. coli expressing daf-16 double-stranded RNA were exposed to C. neoformans H99.

A significant difference was found when daf-2(e1370) was compared to daf-2(e1370);daf-16(RNAi) (P<0.0001), but no significant difference was found when wild-type was compared to daf-16(RNAi) (P = 0.9375).

60-240 nematodes were used for each condition.

Results are representative of at least 3 independent experiments.

Figure 4
