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3D Architecture of the Trypanosoma brucei Flagella Connector, a Mobile Transmembrane Junction

Fig 1

The flagella connector (FC) is a motile cellular junction spanning the membranes of both the old and new flagellum.

A) Scanning EM micrograph of a procyclic T. brucei in which the new flagellum has exited the flagellar pocket and is attached to the old flagellum at the FC (see higher magnification image of this area). B) A cartoon adapted from [17] showing the known structure of the FC, as if seen in cross-section. C) A chemically fixed FC in cross section, the FC appears as electron dense layers in the new flagellum (NF) and old flagellum (OF), as well as in an interstitial zone. D) In high pressure frozen cells the FC is less apparent, the new flagellum is more electron dense and the flagella are round in profile. E) Cryo-EM of frozen hydrated sections of a FC shows a repetitive structure in the interstitial zone. F-F’) A zoomed in image of the structure in E. In F’, breaks in the repetitive interstitial densities are highlighted (blue transparent boxes).

Fig 1
