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Characterization of a Gene Family Encoding SEA (Sea-urchin Sperm Protein, Enterokinase and Agrin)-Domain Proteins with Lectin-Like and Heme-Binding Properties from Schistosoma japonicum

Figure 1

Extracellular loop of the candidate proteins contain SEA-domains.

(A) Modeled molecular structures of the extracellular domains with striking similarity with SEA-domain. Also shown for comparison is the SEA-domain of mouse TMPRSS2. Typical of SEA-domains, the secondary structure components showed an antiparallel arrangement of β-sheets. A summary of structural models of the entire transcripts in this gene family is shown in Table S1. (B) Rigid body superposition of SjP3842 (blue) over the highest scoring template, PDB: 2e7v (olive). The graph is the Ramachandran plot (φ/ψ) showing conformational angles distribution of the residues. Over 98% of residues were in the favored regions while less than 2% were in the outlier region. (C) Alignments of SjCP3842 with two well defined SEA-domains (human MUC1 and mouse TMPRSS2). Putative SEA-domain consensus cleavage site (red arrow) was identified between β2 and β3.

Figure 1
