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A Deep Sequencing Approach to Comparatively Analyze the Transcriptome of Lifecycle Stages of the Filarial Worm, Brugia malayi

Figure 3

Comparison of transcriptome profiles between lifecycle stages.

(A) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering of the RPKM values of the top 25% most variable genes according to the NB dispersion parameter (see Figure S2). (B) The number of genes classified into groups with distinct life stage dependent transcriptional patterns using a series of exact tests for the NB distribution (p-value<0.01). (C) Venn diagram showing that members of the expression groups identified through the exact tests account for ∼80% of the top 25% genes most variable in transcript abundance. (D) The number of differentially transcribed genes. Five direct pairwise comparisons were made between relevant stages to gain insights into the transcriptomic features associated with (1) sex differences, (2) intrauterine reproductive processes, (3) MF maturation, and (4) late larval development. Differentially transcribed genes were cross-referenced with the previously defined coexpression groups (Figure 3B).

Figure 3
