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Transposable Prophage Mu Is Organized as a Stable Chromosomal Domain of E. coli

Figure 5

Cis- and trans-acting Mu transposition factors required for Mu domain formation, and discovery of early rightward transcripts in the prophage.

(A) RE of loxPs in ΔattL (ZL552) and ΔattR (ZL556) strains compared to their wild-type parent MU. (B) RE of loxPs in strains deleted for MuA (ZL536) and MuB (ZL530) genes, and MuΔB strain complemented with MuB from plasmid pJG8 (pMuB). (C) Expression of EGFP-MuB in a wild-type (WT) Mu lysogen and isogenic strains carrying SGS and early promoter deletions. Excitation and emission wavelengths were 488 nm and 507 nm, respectively. Fluorescence values were subtracted from the background fluorescence of the parental Mu strain without the EGFP-MuB (MP1999), and expressed as arbitrary units (AU). Error bars are standard deviation from the mean. Strains: Wild-type Mucts prophage expressing EGFP-MuB (RS033) and its deletion derivatives ΔPe (RS048), ΔPe* (RS102), ΔPe ΔPe* (RS103), ΔSGS (RS088), ΔSGS ΔPe (RS106), ΔSGS ΔPe* (RS107) and EGFP-MuE (RS101). (D) RE of loxPs in Mu prophage strains carrying early promoter deletions. ΔPe (RS053), ΔPe* (RS092), ΔPe ΔPe* (RS093), ΔRep ΔPe ΔPe* (ZL951). In panels A, B and D, MU is ZL524.

Figure 5
