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The bHLH Subgroup IIId Factors Negatively Regulate Jasmonate-Mediated Plant Defense and Development

Figure 4

The bhlh3 bhlh13 bhlh14 bhlh17 quadruple mutant exhibited enhanced JA responses.

(A) Anthocyanin contents in the 11-day-old seedlings of WT, bhlh3 bhlh17, bhlh3 bhlh13 bhlh17, bhlh3 bhlh13 bhlh14 bhlh17 (Q4) and coi1-1 grown on MS medium containing indicated concentrations of MeJA. FW, fresh weight. Error bars represent SE (n = 3). (B) Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of DFR, LDOX and UF3GT expression levels in 11-day-old seedlings of indicated plants grown on MS medium supplied with 0 or 5 µM MeJA. ACTIN8 was used as the internal control. (C) Phenotypes of 7-day-old (the upper panel, the middle panel that showed enlarged seedlings) and 11-day-old seedlings (the bottom panel) of WT, the quadruple mutant (Q4) and coi1-1 grown on MS medium supplied without (CK) or with indicated concentrations (µM) of MeJA. (D) Root length of 11-day-old seedlings grown on MS medium containing indicated concentrations of MeJA. Error bars represent SE (n = 15). Asterisks denote Student's t-test significance compared with WT plants: **, P<0.01. (E) Quantitative real-time PCR analysis of VSP1 expression level in WT, Q4 and coi1-1 seedlings grown for 11 days on MS medium supplied without (CK) or with 5 µM MeJA (JA). ACTIN8 was used as the internal control. (F) Flowering phenotypes of five-week-old WT, Q4 and coi1-1 plants grown in a long-day growth chamber (16L/8D, 23°C). (G) Flowering time of WT, Q4 and coi1-1. Data shown are the means from 24 plants. Error bars represent SE. Asterisks denote Student's t-test significance compared with WT plants: **, P<0.01. (H) Root phenotypes of 7-day-old WT, Q4 and coi1-1 seedlings grown on MS medium supplied without (CK) or with indicated concentrations (µM) of MeJA.

Figure 4
