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Transcriptional Repression of Hox Genes by C. elegans HP1/HPL and H1/HIS-24

Figure 1

C. elegans H1 proteomics.

(A) L4 larval stage of wild type animals were extracted with 5% PCA. The PCA extract was chromatographed on C18 column. (B) Fractions 1, 6, and 7 containing H1 were analyzed. (C) Absolute protein abundances of linker histone variants were calculated from spectral counts. The table shows the relative abundance of the variants on the basis on their protein scores (Mascot). The total protein score corresponds directly to the protein abundance, because the histones have similar masses. HIL-1 (H1.X) was found only in an HCl extract (data not shown). (D) Abundance of C. elegans H1 variants in percent (%).

Figure 1
