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An Essential Role for Katanin p80 and Microtubule Severing in Male Gamete Production

Figure 4

Sperm output and functional characteristics.

A. Total epididymal sperm content (n = 7/group) (left hand panel) and daily sperm output (DSP, right hand panel) by the testes (n = 6/group) from wild type (white bars) and Katnb1Taily/Taily (black bars) mice. B. The percentage of sperm showing any form of motility (left hand panel) and those showing progressive motility (right hand panel) in wild type (white bars) and Katnb1Taily/Taily (black bars) mice (n = 6–7/group). Data are mean ± SD, ** denotes p<0.01, *** p<0.001 compared to WT.

Figure 4
