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Diverse Forms of RPS9 Splicing Are Part of an Evolving Autoregulatory Circuit

Figure 1

Biased intron loss in hemiascomycetous yeasts after the recent whole-genome duplication event.

A) The dendogram (top) illustrates the assumed topology of the phylogenetic relationships used to infer intron-containing genes present in the pre-WGD ancestor prior to the WGD event (based on [63]; not to scale); the estimated time of the WGD event is indicated (gray circle and scale bar) [11]. A heatmap (bottom) illustrates the number of introns in S. cerevisiae gene pairs and their orthologs (rows) by species (columns). Genes containing an intron in pre-WGD species (brown tiles) were used to infer the intron-containing genes present in the pre-WGD ancestor (see Methods). Among the 95 S. cerevisiae gene pairs derived from an intron-containing gene in the pre-WGD ancestor, those with an intron in both gene copies (dark blue-green) were inferred to have no intron losses. S. cerevisiae gene pairs with an intron in only one of two gene copies (light blue-green) or no intron in either gene copy (white) were inferred to have had one or two intron losses, respectively. Missing genes (red) are indicated. RPGs (green) and other functional gene classes (purple) are indicated (right-most column). See Table S1 for intron predictions and annotations. Ca = C. albicans, Lw = L. waltii, Lt = L. thermotolerans, Lk = L. kluyveri, Eg = E. gossypii, Kl = K. lactis, Zr = Z. rouxii, Sc = S. cerevisiae. B) A histogram counts the number of inferred intron losses for each S. cerevisiae gene pair that descended from an intron-containing pre-WGD ortholog. Intron losses from RPGs (green) are compared to other functional gene classes (purple). Asterisks indicate statistical significance values p<0.01 (**), and 0.001 (***); exact binomial test.

Figure 1
