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Sequestration of Highly Expressed mRNAs in Cytoplasmic Granules, P-Bodies, and Stress Granules Enhances Cell Viability

Figure 2

Stress-induced granules appear only in UFO1-MS2L stressed cells.

A. Wild type and UFO1-MS2L cells transformed with pCP-MS2L-GFPx3 at A600 = 0.5, were transferred to SC 2% glucose without methionine for 1 hour to induce the CPGFP. Cells were untreated or exposed to 1 mM arsenate, 8.8 mM H2O2, or UV-irradiated with 40 mJ/cm2. Aliquots were collected 30 minutes after each treatment. Fluorescent granules appear only in cells with the tagged UFO1-MS2L gene. B. UFO1-MS2L cells expressing pCP-MS2L-GFPx3 grown as above, treated with 1 mM arsenate for 30 minutes (stress), and transferred to fresh SC glucose medium. Stress recovery 30′ and 60′ indicate time after transfer to fresh SC. C. UFO1-MS2L, yap1Δ or UFO1-MS2L, pdr1Δ cells grown as above and untreated (Utrd), exposed to 1 mM arsenate, 8.8 mM H2O2, or UV-irradiated with 40 mJ/cm2.

Figure 2
