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A High-Resolution Whole-Genome Map of Key Chromatin Modifications in the Adult Drosophila melanogaster

Figure 4

HP1a localizes at TSSs and its functions in both activation and silencing.

(A) Distribution of HP1a ChIP-Seq scores across the genome (see detailed description in Figure 3 legend). (B) The ChIP-Seq score profile of HP1a surrounding protein coding genes (see detailed description in Figure 3 legend). (C) The correlations between various features of protein coding genes and gene expression changes in HP1a knockdown [29]. Averaged fold of change in gene expression together with 11 other features of protein coding genes (Y-axles) were plotted for 100 percentiles of genes (X-axles) sorted and grouped by folds of change in gene expression (fold of change percentile; see Method section for details in calculation). For the number of embedded genes in gene body, embedded genes on both sense strands (upper) and antisense strands (lower) were calculated separately. Only the dominant values were plotted. (D) The ChIP-Seq score profile of HP1a surrounding the TSSs of protein coding genes grouped by percentiles in folds of change in gene expression. (E) HP1a levels around TSSs (+/−500 bp) for genes in 100 fold of change percentiles. (F) Levels of histone modifications around TSSs (+/−500 bp) for genes in 100 fold of change percentiles.

Figure 4
