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Deletion of the Huntingtin Polyglutamine Stretch Enhances Neuronal Autophagy and Longevity in Mice

Figure 3

Reduced htt neuropil aggregates in the Hdh140Q/ΔQ striatum.

(A) Representative confocal images of the striatum from HdhΔQ/+, Hdh140Q/+, and Hdh140Q/ΔQ mice at 4 months, 6 months, 1 year, and 2 years of age that were immunostained with an antibody recognizing htt aggregates (MW8, red signal). Nuclei were stained with To-Pro-3 (blue). Enlarged images of the areas enclosed by dashed white boxes are shown in the bottom panels. Open and solid white arrowheads indicate neuropil and nuclear aggregates, respectively. Scale bars = 25 µm (top panels), 10 µm (bottom three panels). (B) Total; T, nuclear; N, and neuropil; C, htt aggregate numbers from the Hdh140Q/+ and Hdh140Q/ΔQ striatum (n = 4 mice of each genotype). The aggregate numbers (mean ± s.e.m.) represent counts/field from 8 images of the ventral and lateral striatum from each mouse. *P<0.05, **P<0.001.

Figure 3
