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Organised Genome Dynamics in the Escherichia coli Species Results in Highly Diverse Adaptive Paths

Figure 7

Reconstruction of gains and losses of genes in the evolution of Escherichia coli.

The cladogram shows the phylogenetic relationships among the 20 E. coli/Shigella genomes rooted on the E. fergusonii genome, as in Figure 4, ignoring branch lengths for clarity. Each strain and internal node of the tree is labelled with the inferred numbers of genes gained (red: top) and lost (black: top) and the inferred numbers of corresponding events of gene acquisition (red: bottom) and loss (black: bottom) along the branch. Pie charts on each branch represent the functional classification of genes gained based on the colour-scale (details in the keys). The functional classes of known function genes are represented by numbers explained by a key in Supplementary Table 5. A similar figure, but displaying the pie charts for genes lost in the branch, is given in supplementary material (Figure S5).

Figure 7
