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FHY1 Mediates Nuclear Import of the Light-Activated Phytochrome A Photoreceptor

Figure 5

A constitutively nuclear localized phyA can compensate for the absence of FHY1.

(A) FR-HIR for inhibition of hypocotyl elongation. phyA-211 PPHYAPHYA-GFP and PPHYAPHYA-NLS-GFP were crossed into fhy1-1. In the F2 generation seedlings homozygous for the transgene and the phyA-211 mutation and either wild-type (FHY1) or homozygous fhy1-1 at the FHY1 locus were selected. Col, Ler, phyA-211 and fhy1-1 seedlings as well as phyA-211 seedlings expressing phyA-NLS-GFP or phyA-GFP in FHY1 and fhy1-1 background were grown in the dark (D) or in FR (0.3, 3 or 15 µmol m−2 s−1). After 5 days the hypocotyl length was measured. The mean value and the SD are indicated with n>15. (B) FR-HIR for anthocyanin accumulation. The same seedlings as described in (A) as well as the cop1-4 mutant were grown in the dark or in FR (5 µmol m−2 s−1). After 4 days the anthocyanin content was measured. The mean value (A530–A647/seedling) of three replicates and the SD are indicated.

Figure 5
