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Temporal Regulation of Foregut Development by HTZ-1/H2A.Z and PHA-4/FoxA

Figure 4

Association of YFP::HTZ-1 with Pharyngeal Promoters

(A) Extrachromosomal target arrays were visualized by LacI::CFP (red) bound to the Lac operator (LacO). YFP::HTZ-1 (green) was excluded (arrowheads) from arrays with no-target promoter (row 1), but associated with target arrays containing promoters for pharyngeal genes myo-2 or R07B1.9 in pharyngeal cells (rows 2 and 3). Merge is yellow. YFP::HTZ-1 was excluded from arrays containing the myo-2 promoter in non-pharyngeal cells (row 4). Cartoons depict interpretation of data.

(B) Percentage of embryos containing one or more co-localized LacI::CFP and YFP::HTZ-1 dots in the pharynx (black) or outside of the pharynx (grey). Association was significantly higher in the three myo-2 promoter lines (p < 0.0001) and two R07B1.9 lines (p = 0.0014). No significant difference in association was found when comparing the no-target lines to the heat-shock promoter target at 15 °C, 24 °C, or heat-shock at 33 °C for 30 min (p > 0.095). More than 60 embryos were scored for each no-target, heat-shock, and R07B1.9 line. More than 120 embryos were scored for each myo-2 line. YFP::HTZ-1 association was predominantly pharyngeal for myo-2 (p < 0.0001) and R07B1.9 (p = 0.0407) target arrays, but not control arrays (p = 1.00). An equivalent number of images were taken at the 1.5-, 2-, and 3-fold stages of embryogenesis for each line. The p-values were calculated using Fisher exact test.

Figure 4
