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Meneco, a Topology-Based Gap-Filling Tool Applicable to Degraded Genome-Wide Metabolic Networks

Fig 8

Photosynthesis light reactions.

This pathway is a chain of oxidoreduction reactions transferring electrons from water to NADPH which will be used as a reductor in the Calvin-Benson-Bassham cycle. It is equivalent to a succession of three cycles of two reactions each and as such is not functional for Meneco unless the appropriate seed metabolites are added. The metabolites in light blue are those corresponding to the actual nutrients in the original set of seeds. The three metabolites that had to be included in the seeds to unblock each of the successive cycles are marked with a blue circle. If these metabolites are absent from the seeds, Meneco cannot propose a solution including the first three reactions, in light green, that were missing in the initial draft. Since NADP can be synthesized from NAD, there can be a functional path leading from WATER to NADPH.

Fig 8
