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Synaptic Homeostasis and Restructuring across the Sleep-Wake Cycle

Fig 6

LTP model variations show that evaluation around the SWS/REM transition leads to pattern restructuring.

(A) Initial and final synaptic weight values across the time interval of LTP simulation (11,000–14,000s) for variations of the LTP 1 and LTP 2 models. Red, green and blue lines represent positive, near-zero and negative slopes, with corresponding percentages indicated by the color bar. 1st panel for LTP 1 model evaluated over an entire SWS episode; 2nd panel for LTP 1 model evaluated only during the last 30s of SWS immediately before REM; 3rd panel for LTP 1 model evaluated using the last 30s SWS period plus the following 30s of REM; 4th panel for LTP 2 model using all positive REM slopes (permissive); 5th panel for LTP 2 model using only positive REM slopes that were also larger than the SWS slope (restrictive). For details of restrictive and permissive LTP 2 models, see S10 Fig. (B) Initial synaptic weight values (x axis) versus difference between initial and last time-points of LTP simulation (ΔWij, y axis). The curves are quadratic fits. Left and right panels for the variations of LTP 1 and LTP 2 models, respectively. (C) Spearman´s correlations over time for variations of LTP 1 and LTP 2 models, comparing the distribution of wij(t) values at the time t with the initial distribution of wij(0). Dashed lines indicate the time range [10,500s to 14,100s] when the LTP Gaussian was applied (boundaries of LTP simulation).

Fig 6
