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A Probabilistic Palimpsest Model of Visual Short-term Memory

Figure 5

Distribution of errors of the model.

The model is capable of recreating error distributions seen in the literature, such as those shown in Fig. 2. (Top row) Distribution of errors around the target angle. The central bump is at 0o, showing that recall is normally accurate. The distribution has a non-zero baseline which combines all sources of error. (Bottom row) Distribution of errors relative to all non-target angles. A central tendency in those plots has been interpreted as supporting evidence for the presence of misbinding errors in the responses. Histogram computed on 5000 samples of the model (no standard deviation is shown as all samples are equally probable) The p-values for a resampling analysis of the non-target mixture proportion are shown in each panel. The null hypothesis of no misbinding error can be significantly rejected for all item numbers. The magenta curves represent the resampling-based histograms assuming no misbinding error. Mixed population, M = 200, σx = 0.25.

Figure 5
