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Developmental Self-Construction and -Configuration of Functional Neocortical Neuronal Networks

Figure 2

Gene Regulatory Network.

(A) Schematic representation of the GRN, composed of five interacting genes that give rise to excitatory and inhibitory neurons. The identity of a neuron is determined by the genes GE and GI for excitatory or inhibitory neurons, respectively. Arrows indicate a positive effect on gene expression. (B) Lineage tree. Nodes indicate cells; boxes indicate gene expression patterns. G0 triggers the expression of G1, which characterizes the undifferentiated state of progenitor cells. After a series of symmetric divisions, G1 reaches a concentration threshold. According to fixed probabilities, G1 can then activate the differentiation toward excitatory (red) or inhibitory (blue) neurons. Alternatively, a small proportion of cells probabilistically undergoes a second round of cell division and activates gene G2, which again promotes the differentiation toward excitatory or inhibitory neurons by the expression of GE or GI. The probabilistic activation of inhibitory or excitatory genes is a simplification, but guarantees the production of a homogeneously mixed population of neurons.

Figure 2
