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Genome-Scale Metabolic Network Validation of Shewanella oneidensis Using Transposon Insertion Frequency Analysis

Figure 3

(A) 50 out of 273 essential genes were associated with a fitness value.

The circumference of the circles represents the logarithmic read counts of each insertion, and the color of the circles represents the gene location of the insertion: first 10% (magenta), last 10% (cyan), and middle 80% (black). 22 essential genes contained ≥2 insertions in the middle. The spread in fitness and read counts was very large, suggesting different causes for the existence of insertions in essential genes. (B) Transposon insertion locations, fitnesses, and projected ribosome binding site (RBS) strengths associated with intra-gene start codons. Black dots show all TA locations, and top row diamonds show the observed insertions with color coded fitness. The bottom diamonds represent alternative start codons in each gene. The color scales logarithmically with the associated RBS strengths. Each couple of rows represents the RBS strengths of all intra-gene start codons for both possible insertion orientations for each mutant, with the first row representing no insertion.

Figure 3
