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Modeling Bi-modality Improves Characterization of Cell Cycle on Gene Expression in Single Cells

Figure 4

Box and whiskers plot of cell cycle deviance ratio in ranked and unranked genes.

The proportion of stochastic variability in the Hurdle Model explained by cell cycle is shown on the primary y-axis (left) for ranked and unranked genes, with box giving the 25th, 50th and 75th percentiles, and whiskers showing 1.5 times the inter-quartile range. The deflated scale on the secondary y-axis (right) shows the deviance as a percentage of the most completely explained gene (TOP2A, 27%) and is intended as an upper bound for the amount of remaining biological deviance in non-cell-cycle genes. Under this conservative rescaling, cell cycle explains only 25% of the deviance in 75% of unranked genes.

Figure 4
