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Detecting Genetic Association of Common Human Facial Morphological Variation Using High Density 3D Image Registration

Figure 3

Facial shape comparisons among the genotype female groups of rs642961.

The average shapes of the different genotype groups of rs642961 were compared pair-wisely, either for the point-wise distances, represented as color gradients in the left column; or for the contrast of the facial profile lines in the right column. The first, second and third rows denote the comparisons of CC/TT, CT/TT and CC/CT, respectively. In A, C and E, the higher intensity of the color gradient indicates greater point-wise distance. The first genotype group average face as the reference face (e.g, CC in the CC:TT comparison). The white color indicate no difference between reference face and compared face. The cold (or warm) colors indicate that the average shape of the reference face in a comparison is inside (or outside) of the compared face. In B, D and F, the red profile line is the average shape of the first genotype, and the blue line denotes the second genotype.

Figure 3
