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On the Importance of Polar Interactions for Complexes Containing Intrinsically Disordered Proteins

Figure 2

Box plot of the fraction of disordered residues in the selected ID complex dataset (Rg/N>0.26 Å) and two controls.

Disorder content was calculated using Disopred2. The first control consists of all the structures in the non-redundant PDB dataset. The second control is the polypeptides of the non-redundant PDB dataset that have an Rg/N<0.26 Å while bound to a large protein partner. Asterisks identify distributions that are significantly different (p values<0.05; Wilcoxon test). Box plot identifies the middle 50% of the data, the median, and the extreme points. The entire set of data points is divided into quartiles and the inter-quartile range (IQR) is calculated as the difference between ×0.75 and ×0.25. The range of the 25% of the data points above (×0.75) and below (×0.25) the median (×0.50) is displayed as a filled box. The horizontal line represents the median. Data points greater or less than 1.5·IQR represent outliers and are shown as hollow circles.

Figure 2
