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Visual Nonclassical Receptive Field Effects Emerge from Sparse Coding in a Dynamical System

Figure 9

Decomposition of the recurrent inputs contributing to the end-stopping effect.

(A) Overall decomposition of the response into recurrent excitatory, inhibitory, and feedforward components; (B) Locations and orientations of the CRFs of cells contributing to the recurrent excitatory and inhibitory signals at different bar lengths. Only CRFs with significant influences are displayed (i.e., at steady state). The warmer color (yellow) represents the location and orientation of the CRFs for cells contributing to recurrent excitation, the cooler color (blue and cyan) represents the CRFs for cells contributing to recurrent inhibition. Higher contrast in the color indicates a stronger excitatory or inhibitory effect on the target cell. The black bar represents the target cell CRF. Note that as the bar length increases, the suppressive effect is mostly due to recurrent inhibition from cells that are a better description of the new stimulus (and therefore would be a more efficient stimulus description according to the sparse coding model).

Figure 9
