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Lifespan Differences in Hematopoietic Stem Cells are Due to Imperfect Repair and Unstable Mean-Reversion

Figure 6

Failures are Dissipated More Slowly in Shorter-lived HSCs than in Longer-lived HSCs.

A: We determined the dissipation rates (yellow dots; vertical axis) relative to the lifespan (horizontal axis) using for -truncated failure rates. The lower bound of the integrand was derived in Theorem 2. To highlight the general tendency in the data, not implying any dependencies of consecutive data points, we fitted the data to a non-linear model (blue line; goodness-of-fit Akaike Information Criterion: ); parameter p-values and ). Calculation of by regressing to normal noise produced a slightly lower exponent (fitted curve indicated by green line). B: Half-lives of dissipation rates (yellow dots; vertical axis) relative to individual lifespans (horizontal axis). To highlight the general tendency in the data, we fitted the data to a non-linear model (blue line; goodness-of-fit Akaike Information Criterion: ; parameter p-values and , respectively). The model of half-lives obtained from experimental data (green line) is shown for comparison. In both graphics A and B, we used contour plots of the respective data sets and , respectively, as background.

Figure 6
