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Important miRs of Pathways in Different Tumor Types

Figure 3

Analysis of correlation change in glioblastomas.

(A) Focusing on a set of 99 overlapping overall important miRs (OIM) in GBMs, ovarian and breast cancers, we indicated OIMs and their corresponding differentially expressed pathways in GBMs (peach boxes). In such a binary matrix we observed two large clusters that distinguished largely between either up- or down regulated pathways (orange, green boxes). In (B) we calculated the change of expression correlation, ΔZ, for all pairs of OIMs in such clusters and their interacting leading edge genes (LEG) in the corresponding pathways. In particular, we observed multimodal distributions with local peaks around ΔZ = ±1.0 (dashed lines). In (C) and (D) we mapped all interactions between OIMs and LEGs of pathways that corresponded to the observed clusters. Specifically, we only accounted for interactions with a correlation change |ΔZ|>1.0.

Figure 3
