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Viral Proteins Acquired from a Host Converge to Simplified Domain Architectures

Figure 1

Lateral gene transfer between virus and host.

(A) Two simplified scenarios in support of a genetic exchange event from the virus to the host genome (left) and from the host to the virus genome (right). A homologue of a viral protein in a eukaryote is marked by a green check mark and a red X symbol when no homologous sequence is detected. (B) The sequential filtration steps applied from UniProtKB to the set of UniRef90 viruses-mammals cross-taxa clusters. The numbers indicate the size of the dataset after filtering. (C) A species perspective on cross-taxa from the UniRef90 clusters that contain viruses and eukaryotic proteins. The division is according to the 3 superkingdoms. The number of the different species that are represented from each superkingdom is indicated. (D) The partition according to the classes of the viruses for UniRef90 clusters that contain viruses and their mammalian hosts (∼2500 proteins). The main viral families that infect vertebrates according to their replication classes are listed in Supplementary information, Table S1.

Figure 1
