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Network Model of Immune Responses Reveals Key Effectors to Single and Co-infection Dynamics by a Respiratory Bacterium and a Gastrointestinal Helminth

Figure 10

Summary of T. retortaeformis intensity and immune variables from the experimental co-infection.

Mean±SE during the course of the infection (days or weeks post infection) are reported. A- Helminth intensity in the small intestine sections, from the duodenum (SI-1) to the ileum (SI-4), respectively. The helminth development during the course of the infection is as follows: 4 days post infection (DPI) third stage infective larvae (L3), 7 DPI both L3 and fourth stage larvae (L4), from 14 DPI onwards adult stage only. For comparison, empty black circles represent the helminth intensity in the duodenum from the single infection. B- Expression of cytokines, IFNγ, IL4 and IL10 in the duodenum. C- Mucus antibody against adult helminths, IgA (C1) and IgG (C2), from the duodenum to the ileum. D- Peripheral eosinophils. For C and D, infected hosts: full circles, controls: empty circles.

Figure 10
