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NHE Inhibition Does Not Improve Na+ or Ca2+ Overload During Reperfusion: Using Modeling to Illuminate the Mechanisms Underlying a Therapeutic Failure

Figure 4

Comparison of mathematical model behavior to experimental data.

Changes in (A) intracellular pH (), (B) extracellular pH (), and (C) intracellular sodium () concentration during experimental (circles) and simulated (lines) ischemia (gray region) and reperfusion. For (A), the dashed line denotes the part of the simulation in which was prescribed by the ischemia-reperfusion protocol (Eq. 3). The solid line represents the part of the simulation in which evolved according to the model equations (Eq. 29). Data points and error bars were extracted from [30] using the DigitizeIt software (share-it!, Denmark). For (B), the dashed line denotes the part of the simulation in which was prescribed by the ischemia-reperfusion protocol (Eq. 28). The solid line represents the part of the simulation in which evolved according to the model equations (Eq. 4). Data points and error bars were extracted from [32] using the DigitizeIt software (share-it!, Denmark). For (C), data points and error bars were extracted from [33] using the DigitizeIt software (share-it!, Denmark).

Figure 4
