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Transmission Selects for HIV-1 Strains of Intermediate Virulence: A Modelling Approach

Figure 6

Evolution of SPVL from various scenarios of founding genotype.

(a) Mean log10 SPVL over time for different founding virulences. These range from μ = 2.5 to 6.5 log10 SPVL, “All” (red) begins with all genotypes from μi = 2.0 to 7.0 at equal prevalence, and “Equilibrium” (dashed black) is the SPVL value to which all scenarios in this figure are evolving. (b) Evolution of SPVL distribution from high diversity scenario where all genotypes are equally represented at the start, corresponding to “All” in panel (a). The parameter values for both are maximum likelihood values, σM = 0.12 and σE = 0.66.

Figure 6
