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Brownian Dynamics Simulation of Nucleocytoplasmic Transport: A Coarse-Grained Model for the Functional State of the Nuclear Pore Complex

Figure 3

Our discretized model of the NPC structure includes three different groups of nups.

a) Poms are responsible for anchoring the structure to the NE. They are modeled as a set of linear springs fixed at one end to the NE and at the other end to the central channel. b) The main scaffold includes cytoplasmic filaments, central channel, and nuclear basket, and is modeled by linear and angular springs. While the linear springs account for the elastic extension in the NPC backbone, angular springs explain the bending rigidity. c) FG-repeat domains are modeled as discrete wormlike chains (WLC) with the persistence length measured by AFM force-extension [39].

Figure 3
