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Host Control of Malaria Infections: Constraints on Immune and Erythropoeitic Response Kinetics

Figure 6

Overall variation in outcome with different combinations of Plasmodium species, erythropoietic and antibody responses for model infections in antibody naïve hosts that mount an innate response.

(A) IPK and (B) IINT averaged over all simulations with the given combination of species, erythropoietic response, and antibody target. (C) Fraction of all simulations in which the host died, and (D) fraction of simulations in which the host cleared the parasite for the given combination of species, erythropoietic response, and antibody target. (E) Color code for the data points and lines. Abbreviations as in Figure 4. Lines are just to guide the eye. If the data points and connecting lines for two or more antibody responses overlap in the plot, the lines are dashed to reveal all the responses present. (Note: the vertical scale for panel D is different from one in Figure 4D.)

Figure 6
