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Using Likelihood-Free Inference to Compare Evolutionary Dynamics of the Protein Networks of H. pylori and P. falciparum

Figure 2

Comparing Distance Functions on a Set of Summaries.

To compare different distance functions on sets of summaries, we analyzed the two-dimensional posterior support of θ for the H. pylori PIN dataset.

(A) α versus δDiv and (B) α versus δAtt. Using LFI with the set of summaries WR + DIA + CC + + FRAG, we recorded after burn-in the accepted parameters when each mean summary differed from the observed summary within the respective thresholds ɛk,min (d, red), and when the sum of these differences did not exceed the sum Σkɛk,min of these thresholds (dΣ, blue). In both cases, we used an average of shifted histograms to estimate the two-dimensional posterior support. When using d, the posterior support was more restricted, prompting us to use d in LFI.

Figure 2
