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Exocytosis of ATP From Astrocytes Modulates Phasic and Tonic Inhibition in the Neocortex

Figure 7

The presynaptic changes in the inhibitory synaptic currents in the neocortex evaluated by PPR.

The IPSCs were recorded in the pyramidal neuron in the same conditions as described in Figure 6A. (A–C) Graphs show the representative IPSCs (average of 25 traces) evoked with a 50 ms interval in control and during application of 10 µM TFLLR. To calculate the PPR, the amplitude of IPSC was evaluated by best fit with two curves of mono-exponential rise and decay, depicted by red and blue lines. (D) The pooled data (mean ± SD) on PPR of IPCS measured before and during application of 10 µM TFLLR and 10 µM ATP-γS in the wild-type, dn-SNARE, and P2X4 knockout mice for number of cells as indicated. Asterisks * and ** indicate statistical significance of difference from the control of the same mice strain (two population t test), and asterisks in parentheses (*) indicate statistical significance of difference in the effect of TFLLR from the wild-type mice. Note the increase in PPR under action of TFLLR and ATP-γS, which contrasts with the decrease in the IPSCs amplitudes (Figure 6).

Figure 7
