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Neuregulin and BDNF Induce a Switch to NMDA Receptor-Dependent Myelination by Oligodendrocytes

Figure 3

NRG has no effect on cell density.

(A, B) Total number of DAPI-labelled cells (A) and number of MBP-expressing oligodendrocytes (B) in control and NRG-treated cultures. (C–G) Images of labelled cells in control and NRG, and bar chart showing the percentages of cells, which were (C) Olig2-expressing oligodendrocyte lineage cells, (D) NG2-expressing OPCs, (E) GAD-expressing interneurons, (F) GFAP-expressing astrocytes, and (G) SCIP-expressing satellite cells. Number of fields of view counted per condition are shown on bars; 10 fields were imaged per coverslip.

Figure 3
