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Wdpcp, a PCP Protein Required for Ciliogenesis, Regulates Directional Cell Migration and Cell Polarity by Direct Modulation of the Actin Cytoskeleton

Figure 4

Ciliary defects in wdpcp morpholino knockdown embryos.

(A–D) wdpcp morpholino knockdown causes pericardial edema (black arrow in B), pronephric tubule cyst (red arrows in B), severe hydrocephaly (arrow in D), and increased number of otoliths (red asterisks in D) as compared to control MO injected embryo (A). (E–L) Wdpcp antibody staining of the zebrafish embryo pronephric tubule showed punctate localization (red; arrows in F) along the ciliary axoneme (stained green with acetylated α-tubulin). Such staining is absent in wdpcp morphants, showing efficacy of the wdpcp MO knockdown (E). Cilia in proximal straight/distal early tubule (PST/DL) of wdpcp morphants are disorganized (K), as compared to that of control morphants (I) and uninjected embryos (G), while the distal late pronephric duct (DL/PD) showed little or no change compared to uninjected (H) or control MO (J) injected embryos. Scale bars, 2 µm in (E) and 10 µm (G). (E,F) and (G–L) are at the same scale.

Figure 4
