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Prox1 Is Required for Granule Cell Maturation and Intermediate Progenitor Maintenance During Brain Neurogenesis

Figure 3

Reduced proliferation in the dentate gyrus neuroepithelium of Nestin-Cre;Prox1F/F embryos.

(A, D) BrdU (after 1-h pulse) and Ki67 (B, E) immunostaining revealed reduced proliferation in the dentate gyrus neuroepithelium (DNE) of Nestin-Cre;Prox1F/F brains starting at E16.5. Similar results were obtained at E18.5 (C, F, G, H). (I) Cells in the DNE of Nestin-Cre;Prox1F/F embryos have a longer cell cycle as shown by double BrdU/Ki67 immunostaining. (J, K) Cyclin E+ cells are absent from the DNE of E16.5 Nestin-Cre;Prox1F/F brains. (L) C-Prox1+ cells are normally found in the DNE and migratory stream (MS) of control brains at E18.5. Following TM administration at E16.5, there are fewer C-Prox1+ cells in the DNE and MS (M) of Nestin-CreERT2;Prox1F/F brains. (N) As indicated by Ki67 counting, the number of cycling cells is reduced in the DNE of Nestin-CreERT2;Prox1F/F embryos. Data represent the mean number of positive cells per DG section ± SD (N = 3 embryos). Paired t test. * p<0.1; ** p<0.01; **** p<0.0001. Scale bar in (A–M): 50 µm.

Figure 3
