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Functional Heterogeneity of Embryonic Stem Cells Revealed through Translational Amplification of an Early Endodermal Transcript

Figure 5

Nanog expression suppresses the Venus positive early PrEn precursor state.

(A) Western blot demonstrating Nanog overexpression from the CAG promoter in two clones of HV cells. Control clones were derived in parallel with an empty vector. (B) Nanog overexpression makes HV ES cells resistant to LIF withdrawal. Nanog overexpressing and control cell lines were cultured in the absence of LIF for 10 d and assessed for ES cell-like morphology. (C) Nanog overexpression suppresses the V+S+ population. Expression of Venus and SSEA-1 were quantitated by flow cytometry in two independent clonal lines and compared to both control and parental cells.

Figure 5
