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Plasticity of Astrocytic Coverage and Glutamate Transporter Expression in Adult Mouse Cortex

Figure 1

Up-Regulation of GLAST and GLT1 Protein Levels after Whisker Stimulation

(A) A single barrel column (C2) was removed by aspiration through a glass micropipette, under sodium pentobarbital anesthesia.

(B) Tangential section of the barrel cortex, Nissl stained, shows the location of the excised barrel column. A clear hole can be seen in the section in the region of barrel C2, with the neighboring barrels intact.

(C) Representative immunoblot microassay of C2 columns dissected immediately after 24 h of C2 whisker stimulation (stim), 4 d after stimulation (4 d post stim), and from unstimulated mice (unstim). Blot was probed for GLAST, GLT1, and actin, and indicates an increase in GLAST and GLT1 levels after 24 h of whisker stimulation, but not 4 d later.

(D) These changes were quantified using densitometry with the values being normalized against the actin levels. Results were expressed as percentages of levels in unstimulated mice (100%) and statistically analyzed with a Tukey studentized range test, p < 0.01; error bars indicate SD. Scale bar in (B) indicates 0.5 mm.

(E) Representative immunoblots from animals treated as in (C), and analyzed for protein levels of EAAC1, tubulin, and actin.

(F) Quantification of the immunoblot signals revealed no significant alteration in EAAC1 levels in stimulated animals. EAAC1 and tubulin values were normalized on actin levels, and expressed as % of level in control animals. Note that the relative level of tubulin was unchanged by the stimulation. Error bars indicate SD.

Figure 1
