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Developmental Context Determines Latency of MYC-Induced Tumorigenesis

Figure 6

MYC Activation in Adult Hepatocytes Induces Increased Cell Size and Endoreduplication, and Only Results in Cell Proliferation upon Neoplastic Conversion of Hepatocytes

(A) Histology of a normal liver.

(B) Histology of a liver 2 months after MYC activation.

(C) Histology of a MYC-induced liver tumor.

(D and G) Ki67 immunofluorescence and DAPI staining of a normal adult liver.

(E and H) Ki67 and DAPI staining of an adult liver after 8 weeks of MYC activation.

(F and I) Ki67 and DAPI staining of a MYC-induced adult tumor.

(J) DNA content measured in normal hepatocytes.

(K) DNA content measured after MYC induction for 2 months.

(L) DNA content of a representative MYC-induced liver tumor.

Figure 6
