In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • The Man Who Loved Hummingbirds
  • Jeff Daniel Marion (bio)

Once I saw my father     lift from last Fall's leaves          below our wide picture window

a hummingbird, victim     of reflected surfaces, the one clue          a single feather clinging above the sill.

He cradled its body in his cupped     hands and breathed across the fine          iridescent chest and ruby throat.

I remembered all the times     his hands became birdcalls, whistles,          crow's caw from a blade of grass.

Then the bird stirred and rose     to perch on his thumb.          As he slowly raised his hand

the wings began to hum     and my father's breath lifted          and flew out across the world [End Page 16]

Jeff Daniel Marion

Jeff Daniel Marion has published nine volumes of poetry, including Ebbing & Flowing Springs: New and Selected Poems and Prose, 1976–2001, winner of the 2003 Independent Publisher Award in Poetry and the 2003 Appalachian Book of the Year, and Letters to the Dead: A Memoir. His poems and fiction have appeared in more than sixty journals and anthologies, and he has received the James Still Award from the Fellowship of Southern Writers. His poem "The Man Who Loved Hummingbirds" originally appeared in the Spring 1989 issue of Appalachian Heritage.


